At the beginning of 2021, I posted a light verse poem titled Hello, 2021! It was an intentional way to dismiss from my recall the memories of 2020. I asked some specific questions in that post, but concluded “2021 may not be so different than 2020.” And here I am (on the final day of 2021) thinking I was something of a prophet.
No, I won’t indulge in complaints (though I have many) nor discuss the divergent opinions on the deep, dark hole down which we’ve traveled. I imagine everyone is as exhausted as I am about all things Covid-19 and its various rabbit trails. As a topic of conversation and news-reporting, I’ve begun to shut it out (figuratively plugging my ears and whispering la-la-la-la-la!).
But as a ceremonial goodbye to what seems like a lost year, I penned a tongue-in-cheek love sonnet to note the year’s demise. In another 365 days, we’ll know whether 2022 has lived up to its promise. In the meantime, say an eager farewell to 2021.
As we sweep the old year away, make it a point to hold close to your heart the pleasant memories of 2021. There were some, right? Cherish them. God is good and He promises to sustain us in the midst of trials.
The post So Long, Farewell 2021 first appeared on Wiseblooding.